
时间:2024-08-06 05:59:46 心理 我要投稿




  1.For here or to go? 这里吃还是外带?

  去速食店店员问你的第一句话通常是这一句, 不要急著点餐, 先回答这一句再点.

  2. Does it go with drinks? 有没有附赠饮料?

  P.S: 有些套餐有附饮料, 如果不确定, 可以问一下, 如果没有的话, 可以当场点.

  3. Is that all? 就这些了吗?

  有时他们会用 anything else? 总之, 这二句都是一样的, 如果是, 就回答 That's it!

  4. Here you go! 你的餐来了!

  这句话在美国用的相当普遍, 你拿什么东西给别人, 就可以说这一句, 另外跟这句很类似的是 There you go! 通常用在会话的结尾, 表示我同意你的看法, 和 Here you go 是不太相同的!

  5. I am fixing to go out. 我正准备要出门.

  Fix 这个字在美国南方真的很常见, 记得我第一次听到老美这么跟我说, 我的直觉反应就是他正在修理什么东西, 但实际上 Fix 在这里的.用法是正准备要出门的意思, 也就相当于 I am about to leave.

  6. I'll fix the plate for you. 我等下帮你准备食物.

  第一次听到我室友说 I can fix the plate for you, 我立刻反应是, Is there any plate broken? 其实不是这样的. Fix the plate 指的是准备食物. 例如我们在炒菜前可能会先把所有要炒的菜都洗好, 分好, 放在盘子上准备好像, 这就叫 Fix the plate. 所以下次如果再听到老美说 I'll fix the plate 可别以为他把盘子给打破了喔!

  7. He is a redneck. 他是一个老粗.


  1.Where did you grow up? This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease.


  2. Do you have any pets? People love their pets, and inquiring about them encourages further conversation. And, even if the person you're chatting with doesn't have any, it's still a good start.


  3. What's your favorite book? Instead of asking what people are reading right now, which can be a bit too intimate, asking about a book they love can create a mutual connection.

  你最喜欢的书是哪一本? 如果直接询问对方正在阅读的书,显得太过亲密。而问他们喜欢的书利于在彼此之间建立联系。

  4. What's the first thing you do after work? Do you kick off your shoes? Hit the gym? Asking how people relax makes them feel relaxed.


  5. What's your dream job? Even at a corporate gathering, inquiring about someone's dream job is a fun way to get a conversation started.


  6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not everyone gets to travel tons, making this a fun question for anyone.


  7. What countries have you traveled to? Even if you haven't traveled the world, asking if others have encourages someone to share memories.


  8. Do you like to cook? Asking about favorite dishes and culinary adventures sparks delicious dishing.


  9. What's your favorite food? Everyone eats, making this an icebreaker that works anywhere, anytime.


  10. What's your favorite drink? A wonderfully basic question, asking about best-loved beverages works at any gathering.

  你最喜欢的饮料是什么? 绝妙的常规问题。任何聚会上问这个问题总不会错。


  1. 你确定能按时完成工作吗?Are you sure you can finish your work on time?

  2. 你有孩子吗?Do you have any children?

  3. 你确定给我你的微信账号吗?Do you mind giving me your Wechat ID?

  4. 你今晚想吃披萨吗?Do you feel like pizza tonight?

  5. 你认识不错的`医生吗?Do you know a good doctor?

  6. 难道我们不应该早点订机票吗?Shouldn't we book our tickets early?

  7. 你是否曾经遇到过危险的情况?Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?

  8. 明天和我共度晚餐怎么样?How about you and I get dinner tomorrow?

  9. 为何总是我付账?How come I always have to pay the bill?

  10. 去机场要多长时间?How long will it take to go to the airport?

  11. 你多久去看一次牙医?How often do you go to the dentist?

  12. 你的朋友怎么了?What's the matter with your friend?

  13. 你最喜欢的歌是?What's your favorite song?

  14. 为什么不在网上买呢?Why not buy it online?

  15. 你想喝点什么吗?Would you like something to drink?

  16. 据我所知,她不喜欢他 As far as I know, she doesn't like him.

  17. 如你所知,我真的很讨厌苦瓜 As you know, I really hate bitter melon.

  18. 相比起苦瓜,就连西兰花都好吃 Compared to bitter melon, even broccoli tastes good.

  19. 就我所知,他可能在火星上 For all I know he could be on Mars.

  20. 我敢打赌今天会下雨 I bet it's going to rain today.

  21. 我迫不及待要拿到薪水 I can't wait to get my paycheck.

  22. 在我看来,现在是买房子的好时机 It seems to me now is a good time to buy a house.

  23. 我才意识到,我从没确认过我们的约会 I just realized that I never confirmed our appointment.

  24. 我想尽快离开 I'd like to leave soon.

  25. 我不想说的,但蓝色并不适合你 I hate to say this but 'blue' is not a good color on you.















  1.For here or to go? 这里吃还是外带?

  去速食店店员问你的第一句话通常是这一句, 不要急著点餐, 先回答这一句再点.

  2. Does it go with drinks? 有没有附赠饮料?

  P.S: 有些套餐有附饮料, 如果不确定, 可以问一下, 如果没有的话, 可以当场点.

  3. Is that all? 就这些了吗?

  有时他们会用 anything else? 总之, 这二句都是一样的, 如果是, 就回答 That's it!

  4. Here you go! 你的餐来了!

  这句话在美国用的相当普遍, 你拿什么东西给别人, 就可以说这一句, 另外跟这句很类似的是 There you go! 通常用在会话的结尾, 表示我同意你的看法, 和 Here you go 是不太相同的!

  5. I am fixing to go out. 我正准备要出门.

  Fix 这个字在美国南方真的很常见, 记得我第一次听到老美这么跟我说, 我的直觉反应就是他正在修理什么东西, 但实际上 Fix 在这里的.用法是正准备要出门的意思, 也就相当于 I am about to leave.

  6. I'll fix the plate for you. 我等下帮你准备食物.

  第一次听到我室友说 I can fix the plate for you, 我立刻反应是, Is there any plate broken? 其实不是这样的. Fix the plate 指的是准备食物. 例如我们在炒菜前可能会先把所有要炒的菜都洗好, 分好, 放在盘子上准备好像, 这就叫 Fix the plate. 所以下次如果再听到老美说 I'll fix the plate 可别以为他把盘子给打破了喔!

  7. He is a redneck. 他是一个老粗.


  1.Where did you grow up? This is a great icebreaker that gets someone talking about the past, which often puts others at ease.


  2. Do you have any pets? People love their pets, and inquiring about them encourages further conversation. And, even if the person you're chatting with doesn't have any, it's still a good start.


  3. What's your favorite book? Instead of asking what people are reading right now, which can be a bit too intimate, asking about a book they love can create a mutual connection.

  你最喜欢的书是哪一本? 如果直接询问对方正在阅读的书,显得太过亲密。而问他们喜欢的书利于在彼此之间建立联系。

  4. What's the first thing you do after work? Do you kick off your shoes? Hit the gym? Asking how people relax makes them feel relaxed.


  5. What's your dream job? Even at a corporate gathering, inquiring about someone's dream job is a fun way to get a conversation started.


  6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Not everyone gets to travel tons, making this a fun question for anyone.


  7. What countries have you traveled to? Even if you haven't traveled the world, asking if others have encourages someone to share memories.


  8. Do you like to cook? Asking about favorite dishes and culinary adventures sparks delicious dishing.


  9. What's your favorite food? Everyone eats, making this an icebreaker that works anywhere, anytime.


  10. What's your favorite drink? A wonderfully basic question, asking about best-loved beverages works at any gathering.

  你最喜欢的饮料是什么? 绝妙的常规问题。任何聚会上问这个问题总不会错。


  1. 你确定能按时完成工作吗?Are you sure you can finish your work on time?

  2. 你有孩子吗?Do you have any children?

  3. 你确定给我你的微信账号吗?Do you mind giving me your Wechat ID?

  4. 你今晚想吃披萨吗?Do you feel like pizza tonight?

  5. 你认识不错的`医生吗?Do you know a good doctor?

  6. 难道我们不应该早点订机票吗?Shouldn't we book our tickets early?

  7. 你是否曾经遇到过危险的情况?Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?

  8. 明天和我共度晚餐怎么样?How about you and I get dinner tomorrow?

  9. 为何总是我付账?How come I always have to pay the bill?

  10. 去机场要多长时间?How long will it take to go to the airport?

  11. 你多久去看一次牙医?How often do you go to the dentist?

  12. 你的朋友怎么了?What's the matter with your friend?

  13. 你最喜欢的歌是?What's your favorite song?

  14. 为什么不在网上买呢?Why not buy it online?

  15. 你想喝点什么吗?Would you like something to drink?

  16. 据我所知,她不喜欢他 As far as I know, she doesn't like him.

  17. 如你所知,我真的很讨厌苦瓜 As you know, I really hate bitter melon.

  18. 相比起苦瓜,就连西兰花都好吃 Compared to bitter melon, even broccoli tastes good.

  19. 就我所知,他可能在火星上 For all I know he could be on Mars.

  20. 我敢打赌今天会下雨 I bet it's going to rain today.

  21. 我迫不及待要拿到薪水 I can't wait to get my paycheck.

  22. 在我看来,现在是买房子的好时机 It seems to me now is a good time to buy a house.

  23. 我才意识到,我从没确认过我们的约会 I just realized that I never confirmed our appointment.

  24. 我想尽快离开 I'd like to leave soon.

  25. 我不想说的,但蓝色并不适合你 I hate to say this but 'blue' is not a good color on you.